Cam Follower and Oil Change Article

Since the MKV generation is starting to hit higher mileages, the cam follower wear problem is starting to pop up more often.  I see it being posted more in the forums.  Usually it’s by people who just bought the car used or simply were unaware of the issue.  That really sucks.  Anyway check out the page under the maintenance drop down or click this link.  Cam followers and Oil changes – Warning

Heres another article: Cam Follower Troubleshooting

Edit:  I see a couple of searches for “revised follower”  – Sorry there is none, this is what we have to deal with and the solution is constant awareness-

I borrowed this picture to show the possible damage.  If the original owner wants it removed, please tell me.

One thought on “Cam Follower and Oil Change Article

  1. Pingback: Cam Follower Warranty Extension « markFive GTI

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